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Word Count for The Forgotten Earth
The Forgotten Earth
by J.F. Wiegand
56,840 Words | Low
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Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Published: 2017
Pages: 290
Words per page: 196.0
There's only one house on the Forgotten Earth. It has a single occupant. That hasn't stopped men from trying to find it. They've read the passages and know the significance. Of course, not everyone believes. Joe McGee doesn't, and why would he? This house is not on any map and Joe's not one to question things. But on his flight out of Oregon, Joe's plane crash-lands, passing through the threshold of the Forgotten Earth. There he finds his estranged father and a minimalist group known as the woodsmen. They all want to be the first to enter the house. But he who finds it, must be prepared to face the man inside.